Saturday, November 19, 2011

2 months.

I cannot believe it has been 2 months already.  I'm sure every mother says this, but time has just flown by.  At Lua's 2 month checkup, there were a few newborns in the waiting room and they looked SO tinyKinda makes me want to have another ;)

Things that are easy right now:

getting out of the house - it no longer takes 2 hours!
diaper changes
breastfeeding - FINALLY getting rid of the thrush
sleeping - while I'm prepared for this to change, right now, the girl is a champ.

Things that are hard right now:

having patience - I'm not very good on a good day, so this is bad news.

dealing with the fact that I can't stay up late any more, watching movies with the hubcap - this one makes me pretty sad :(  how do moms and dads manage to keep their relationship strong without the late night ice cream, chips and movie date?
deciding whether or not to "sleep train" the beetle - seriously, what do we do?

being back in NYC - I kind of want to upchuck every time I hear a car alarm, door slam or pounding from the workers on our roof.  I miss my house and dog and yard.  I miss the space. This happens every time I come back from visiting Nebraska.


  1. Oh my lord is her 2 month picture cute! And she looks so much like Eloise there don't you think? Love your beautiful little bebe! xo

  2. Sophie, if you want to help your LO sleep well but aren't comfortable with "sleep training" you could read the book The No-Cry Sleep Solution. It's full of gentle ways to get your baby to sleep. It takes longer that crying it out, but it's WAY more gentle!
