Wednesday, March 5, 2014

So many things.

Well, we are just feeling a little overwhelmed here lately.

We moved into this apartment exactly a month ago, signing a two year lease to lock in our astronomical rent (this apartment is not rent-stabilized, meaning every year the landlord could raise it to whatever he sees fit).  We looked at a ton of apartments and settled on this one, because, well, it's big.  And in a nice neighborhood.  It has an elevator and laundry. That's pretty much it.  I'm embarrassed to say that I grossly neglected to really check out the bones of this place when we moved in and it seems like every day I find something else crusty and old and outdated in this apartment.  Every time we find a crumbling wall or loose outlet, the go-to phrase has been, "whoever did this/repaired this/built this - sucked at it."  It could be a beautiful, old apartment if someone had just taken the time to, when things went wrong, repair it the correct way, instead of - literally - slapping a coat or two of white paint over it.  I swear, this 'someone' even used white paint to fill in the missing tile grout.  This all sounds very negative, but don't get me wrong, I'm still really happy overall with our decision and think that this apartment is going to be great for us for two years (or more) while we grow our family.  It's just scary and disappointing to think that we're spending so much money on something so neglected.  Hopefully soon, we can stop spending money to fix this place up and just enjoy what we've created for ourselves.

Also, taxes. Yuck.

Also, insurance and medical bills.  Yuck.

Also, Andrew is still in rehearsals and gone 10 hours a day.

Also, it's freaking freezing STILL.

Ok.  I think I'm done.

Life is not all crap, all the time, I have to mention.  Lua is beautiful and the most amazing and funny kid ever.  So funny, that we're thinking of starting a twitter account to remember all the funny stuff she says. BabyKO2 is kicking and moving and hiccuping all day and this trimester of pregnancy has been a breeze compared to the first.  I love my new midwife and I can't believe we're already pretty darn close to having a teeny, tiny, weensie babe in our lives again :)

1 comment:

  1. Spring will be here before you know it! Hang in there xo
    the slapping white paint over gross things is one of the most egregious and common shitty property-owner occurrences, ugh!
