Friday, January 20, 2012

4 months.

Where have you BEEN?! you may ask...well, Lu has been busy GROWING!

Look at how BIG she is :)  13lbs, 14oz. and 25.5in. long!  She is one long 4 month old.  I pray this doesn't mean she'll be tall and leggy...I don't think Andrew will be able to handle it!

And where have I been?  I've been working working working.  Am I happy about it?  Not exactly.  But I am trying to stay positive and just soak up all the Beetle time I can (ya, maybe I keep her awake for a few extra minutes of cuddle time).  I have great aspirations for this little blog too!  I have mommy friends from all over the U.S. and would love to start posting stories/advice/tips/tricks/anecdotes/recipes/prettythings to create not only a space to share my adventure with Beetle, but also a place to share and draw from!  

Stay tuned!

ps - notice the extraordinary use of exclamation points in this post?!  it's almost 2am. 

1 comment:

  1. She just gets more and more beautiful. I can't handle all the changes since her first pic. <3 her!
