Monday, March 11, 2013

high fashion and sand castles.

 blue steel.
 "does this yellow measuring tape go with my ensemble?"
 showin' mama the sand.
pretty, happy baby.

The great purge - day two - is under way.  Cleaning out shoes, belts, bags and books today (pictures to come)!  Took a short break to post these pics of Beetle from the weekend.  It was my birthday on Saturday (!!!!) and we had some unusually nice weather, so we spent the morning reading books with the windows open and the afternoon in Inwood Hill Park, playing in the sand.  It was a pretty low-key and lovely birthday, if I do say so myself.  Thanks to everyone who called and sent messages and posted on the Facebook :)  I love you all so!

Happy Monday.

1 comment:

  1. When you are done purging, please come to NE & do mine for me. I'm in need, but I'm too lazy/sentimental/(enter any other excuse here) to do it!
