Wednesday, April 3, 2013


the great purge 2013 is almost complete!!  we spent monday at ikea, one of my guilty pleasure stores, getting some storage furniture for lu's toys and a new computer desk with loads of storage for all of the books we decided to keep.  i still can't believe how much i was able to part with!  i know it probably still looks pretty cluttered to all y'all, but when you're trying to cram a toddler, her mama and dada plus a cranky old rabbit (and the occasional foster dog) into a small one bedroom - you do the best you can!

exciting things are happening over here and we are all so glad that spring has finally sprung (two 50 degree days in a row, what?!?).  tomorrow is the first practice of this year's broadway show (softball) league for andrew, so we'll be spending the morning in the park with friends and then heading to a local animal shelter to meet a big mush of a dog - just meeting him, unfortunately! - and to drop off some donations.

hope everyone's spring is going swimmingly!  be back soon for a major update on lu and life!


  1. It looks SO good in there. I love it so much!

    1. When are we getting together so you can give me EVERY DETAIL of your trip!
