Tuesday, February 28, 2012

mama to mama...oops!

don't they say something about being a mom makes you forgetful?  or is that pregnancy brain?
i forgot to post mama katie's answers in the last post and, since she has THREE two-year-olds, she get's a special post ;)  

Katie (mama to 2 year old triplets:  Hayden, Olivia & Logan)

1. How long did it take you to conceive?
22 months.  I have PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome.  I started fertility treatments after 10 months, as I was having 100+ day cycles.  And we weren't sure I was ever ovulating.  Kinda hard to get pregnant without ovulating!  We did 6 rounds of Clomid with our OB.  And then moved on & got pregnant with our first cycle with the Reproductive Endocrinologist with a Femara/Follistim medication combo & artificial insemination.  Surprise!  Word of caution:  Be careful what you wish for ;)

2. How long was your labor?
5 days!  I went into preterm labor at 29 weeks 6 days.  I was on hospital bedrest & various {horrible} medications to stop labor.  As a side effect of the medications, 2 of the kids' amniotic fluid levels got dangerously low.  They were worried they would compress their own cords, so they were delivered via c-section at 30 weeks 3 days. 

3. How long since you last shaved your legs?
At least a week!!

4. How long was your maternity leave?
I took at total of 14 weeks off.  One week was spent on bedrest pre-delivery & in the hospital post-delivery.  I went back to work 3 weeks after going home, because the kiddos could have realistically been in the NICU for 9 weeks.  That would have left me just 2 weeks of FMLA left!  I worked for 2 weeks, and then Hayden came home on week 5!  So I went back on leave.  Olivia came home a day after Hayden.  And Logan was the last one home, after 6 weeks in the NICU.  I took 2 additional weeks of general leave after using up my FMLA.  Meaning I got 10 weeks with Hayden & Olivia & 9 weeks with Logan.  Here's to wishing I lived in one of the countries that give moms a year off, paid!! 

5. How long is your "to do" list?
YEARS!!!  Seriously, I don't think I will ever catch up!

6. How long does your baby sleep at night?
11-12 hours.  But my "babies" are 2!  They slept through the night 10 or so hours at 4 months old.  And did 2 6 hour stretches at night for a while before that.  We realize we are extremely blessed in the sleep department.  The one nice thing about the NICU stay was they came home on a 4 hour eating schedule.  So we never did the 1-2 hour, cluster feed stage.

7. How long since you last cried? laughed out loud?Cried:  Last Friday.  Its been a LONG month of sickness in this house.  Hospital stays.  I've been on leave from work.  Stressed to the max!
LOL:  Tonight.  Olivia learned what a wedgie is!

Thanks, Katie!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Soph. Its called mama-brain! It comes shortly after pregnancy-brain!
