Ever felt like this?
I know I have. Welcome to "Epic Fail" day. I've asked the Mamas to offer up their best story of "failure". I use that term very loosely, as I truly don't think these moms are capable of failure. I decided on this post after talking with my mom (my parents are visiting!) and reminiscing over that first week with Lu.
I have SO many epic fail moments: from Lu pooping into the silverware drawer, to breastfeeding while slowly walking up 8th Ave. covered in sweat, to catching a half-sleeping baby as she casually rolled off the side of our bed.
Please read on for more "fail" stories from the Mamas!
Kerrie, mom to Aspen (9 wks)
At the hospital they had me breastfeeding around the clock every 2~3
hours....so when I brought Aspen home at 5lbs 10oz I assumed that was
still the case, so against my mom and pretty much everyone else's
comments of "Don't wake a sleeping baby", I would set my alarm down to
the minute and wake her, even if it meant i had to fully undress her to
keep her awake. This went on for about a week, when finally in a zombie
state I had a chance to read hospital discharge papers that said. ON
DEMAND feeding at night
Jessica, mom to Sophia Lynne Kowal (2 months)
I have had
several epic fails as a new mom and my little Sophie is only 2 months
old :). The one that still makes me laugh is our "first doctor's
appointment". I had been home from the hospital all of three days when
Sophia had her first doctor's appointment. Getting her ready to go out
into the world for the first time was a bit more challenging than it
should have been due to my recent c-section. I had just finished
nursing her, my husband had the car seat and the cover to keep her warm
on the couch and ready to go, I put a fresh diaper on her, he started
the car so it was warm and I got the hospital paperwork. We strapped
her in her new car seat, he helped me into the car and we were off. As
we pulled out of the drive way we gave each other a high-five, proud
that we were heading to her first doctor's appointment without a hiccup
and we were even going to be on time!
As we went into the patient room with Sophia so that
she could be weighed the nurse asked if she had a clean diaper on, just
as I replied yes my little lady let one rip! The nurse giggled and
said no problem just strip her down and put a fresh diaper on her. My
husband and I both gave each other an " Oh Shit" expression. We had
forgotten the flippin diaper bag!!! Here we were as new parents
thinking we had done such a great job preparing out little girl for her
first outing and we forgot the most important thing. Needless to say we
made the nurse giggle for a second time and she informed us that this
was a common mistake for new parents. I am not sure if that is true or
not either way it made us feel a little less idiotic.
Leslie, mom to Eloise, 5 months
This is my FB status update from December 16th:
Nothing like a trip to Target to make you feel like an incompetent parent.
Poop explosion out of the diaper while we are walking into the store (Eloise, not me). Did not check the wipes situation or extra clothing options in the diaper bag before leaving (this will never happen again). Mostly cleaned up with toilet paper and saved the single wet wipe for a final once over, all while attempting to stop the bleeding from my left knuckle which had just cracked open and trying to soothe a screaming baby because the bathroom does not have paper towels, only insanely loud hand dryers. Put slightly soiled clothing back on my baby (ew). Did shopping very quickly (including a new $6 footie pajama and wipes), so quickly that I did not notice that Eloise lost a sock somewhere along the way (Hey, 20 people that I passed in the store, did anyone think to tell me that my baby was only wearing one sock!?). Checked out, back to the bathroom to put new clothes on Eloise, more screaming and hand drying, packing up the diaper bag in a squat with Eloise in her carrier, fell on my butt, got very mean look from other woman in the bathroom.
Never again.
On the plus side, Sentry was a bit crowded, but uneventful.
Poop explosion out of the diaper while we are walking into the store (Eloise, not me). Did not check the wipes situation or extra clothing options in the diaper bag before leaving (this will never happen again). Mostly cleaned up with toilet paper and saved the single wet wipe for a final once over, all while attempting to stop the bleeding from my left knuckle which had just cracked open and trying to soothe a screaming baby because the bathroom does not have paper towels, only insanely loud hand dryers. Put slightly soiled clothing back on my baby (ew). Did shopping very quickly (including a new $6 footie pajama and wipes), so quickly that I did not notice that Eloise lost a sock somewhere along the way (Hey, 20 people that I passed in the store, did anyone think to tell me that my baby was only wearing one sock!?). Checked out, back to the bathroom to put new clothes on Eloise, more screaming and hand drying, packing up the diaper bag in a squat with Eloise in her carrier, fell on my butt, got very mean look from other woman in the bathroom.
Never again.
On the plus side, Sentry was a bit crowded, but uneventful.
Betsy mother of June Ellen, Evelyn, and Olive
first thought when I heard this topic was of how many times my girls
have thrown up in public. Lesson learned. When your
child complains about a stomach ache you take them seriously, the first
time, and every time. When the tummy bug comes to town it is usually a
surprise visit!!
After reminiscing for a few minutes, I started thinking of what my
true Parenting Fail was (or is). I'm sure I will have many more....
has to do with the middle child....and the NUK. You know what I am
talking about. Pacifier, binky, num nums, ect. It seems like such a
simple thing. Meant to lull a baby to sleep, ease their oral fixations,
or earn a parent one or two more minutes before a feeding. My little
Evelyn was ADDICTED to her nuk. I was determined to rid her of it at the
age of One. Yes- 12 months old. My oldest never took a pacifier (even
when we wanted her to). I didn't think it should be that difficult to
wean Evelyn. I read about it. All the different techniques- surprisingly
there are many. I was also pregnant with our third baby. Ev would be 16
months old when the new baby arrived. In my mind having her rid of the
nuk by 12 months would give her a four month window of a nuk free home.
At the time I had many reasons for not having two babies both using a
nuk. I didn't want them sharing them and spreading germs. Obviously
hindsight is 20/20! 7 years later I now realize how ridiculous this
We started the process slowly, taking the nuk away from her for a
few hours at a time, eventually keeping it in her bed for nap and bed
time. However she would find random nuks all over the house. In the
couch, diaper bag, toy box...you get the idea. After Olive was born she
did really well....for a while. then I caught her taking one out of
Olives mouth one day. I gently took it away from her and told her that
big girls don't need nukies anymore. It's for the baby. Then one day the
house was abnormally quiet. I went to look for Evelyn. When I found her
my heart was broken. She had found the baby's nuk and had fallen asleep
under her sister's bed. She was about 18 months old and she was hiding
from me. After that I took her to the store and bought her a package of
her very own big girl nuks.
It still makes me sad to think of it....but she's 8years old now and completely nuk free :)
Sara Amelia, mom to Nathan and Oliver
nathan |
My biggest mom fail was when Nathan and I had gone to the
store (I think I was 8 months pregnant with Oliver: preggo brain) and his shoes
got muddy so I sat him in his car seat and took off his shoes to wipe the mud
off.... then I forgot to click Nathan into his car seat. We drove all over
Sioux Falls with him not buckled in. I felt so badly I cried!! (Again, 8 months
pregnant.) Thank God we didn’t get in an accident.
oliver |
I totally forgot to send you mine! My first daughter was only a few weeks old. I was nursing her on demand and had yet to figure out that I was over-producing and that she had MSPI. I was trying to nurse her and she kept screaming and clawing at my breast. My milk was spraying everywhere, practically across the room and then she spit up ALL OVER. She and I were completely covered in breast milk and spit up. I was about to cry when my husband walked in and just started laughing. The situation felt so hopeless but a little laughter helped make it all lighter. A week later we started block feeding, which helped with my over-production and we started a milk and soy free diet.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Miriam!!! I hope that my friend Laura sees this - her little gal Juniper is 9 months and has MSPI :)