Monday, July 16, 2012

nursing tops, anyone?

not that i really mind if a little boob gets exposed now and then, but when riding on a crowded subway squashed between Newt Gingrich (i swear it was him) and a 6'5"biker dude, i'd really rather to keep my shit covered.

also, i know what breast-feeding moms everywhere are going to advise:  just wear a tanktop or bella band underneath a looser top, pull the top up and the tank down.  ya, i know.  but that can get SO HOT and sticky.  what i'm looking for - and i'm kind of on an ongoing mission to find - are simple nursing shirts/dresses.  one piece, not flashy or drapey or $200.  i figure i can spend a little on these because I will be nursing for a few years between lu and the next one and the one after that ;)

the first brand of nursing tops i found second hand from a company called BOOB.  I mean, c'mon!  however, they are a bit pricey for my budget.  maybe just this one :)

the second I found from an online source is called MAMAWAY.  the shirts are a bit closer to my price range, but take a bit of sorting through to find the really great, staple pieces.  here are a few i found.

p.s. don't you just love the attempt at making breast-feeding "way cool";) love it!


  1. I just always lifted my shirt and let everyone else deal with seeing my stretch-marked tummy. Not that much belly shows anyway as the babe gets bigger. I was always more comfortable than popping out the top of a shirt.

  2. Have you been able to talk Andrew into three!? Anthony is still completely against the idea.;)

  3. I have a couple of these...

    They aren't nearly so 'cool' as those you found, but they open up and only expose a small area around the nipple so it usually easier to cover than a whole boob, but the ones I have are pretty thick fabric, so I'm not sure how comfy they would be in 90+ degree weather?

  4. just saw they have an "outlet" section that has some thinner options around $20
