Even though it's only 50 degrees outside, I couldn't resist the temptation to try some summer clothes on Lua yesterday. I was hoping one of the dresses I bought would be big enough to fit her through the summer (it is!) and was also nerd-ily excited to try on the first thing I purchased when I found out I was having a girl...a swimsuit. I know, it was a weird buy, but as I was dumbfounded-ly searching the racks at our nearest children's consignment store, saying to myself, "no way you're having a girl. no WAY"...a swimsuit seemed like a reasonable purchase.
I have to say, it was a good buy. I couldn't get over how cute she looked in her suit - my little bathing beauty! I'm thinking of signing her up for swim classes...does any mom out there have thoughts on swim class for babes? I don't want to drop $400 for nothing....Also, any good recommendations out there for swimsuits for mommy? Preferably one that covers bellybutton stretch marks :(
Eee! How cute is everything on her! Love that suit!