ok...this is a toughie.
as you all know, i went back to work this week and, let me tell you, it's been rough. I'm doing my best to focus on my work and am trying not to just sit around all day thinking about how she's doing. i am happy that she's doing so well with andrew (the first few days were a bit hairy) and on saturdays she gets to hang out with our good friends ryan and jay who are about the most skilled mannies you can find, so i am happy that she gets to socialize. i'm trying to keep a positive attitude about our situation, hoping that we've created a safe and loving environment and that beetle feels okay about leaving us every now and then. obviously, i miss breastfeeding the most when i'm in the office (high-five to all you breastfeeding champs out there!) - it's such a great quiet time with lu and pumping in the lactation room at work does not quite add up. when i'm in there, i fantasize about some distant relative leaving us their fortune (or at least their health insurance), so i can return to the days of long walks with lu and being able to keep up with this blog!
there are a few perks to being back at work. i love the adoption center staff. i really do. there are so many unique and beautiful people that i get to laugh with every day. and we laugh a lot, because there are a lot of aspects of animal welfare that are very sad (please think twice - or three times or ten times - before you get a pet) and laughter is a necessary stress reliever.
i can't believe some of the cuteness that comes through our doors. the fact that these little bitties are homeless is beyond me. when i'm missing lu, i go around and squeeze all the babies and play the "are you cuter than lu?" game. it's tough. try it!
...really, it's a cute overload!
Don't forget the 3 month shot!!! :)