Saturday, April 20, 2013



Sorry for the silence the past couple of weeks...We (Lu and I) took off for my little brother's wedding in Nebraska (so fun!) and managed to both catch the nastiest, most awful cold on the way back to NYC.  I'm pretty sure we caught it from one of the 600 guests at the reception (no joke) who were all petting and hugging my cute little flower girl ;)

But we're back now - slowly recovering - and have spent more than a couple days cuddling on the couch.  Lua has been very mommy-clingy the whole time that she's been sick, so I could tell today she was feeling better by the amount of daddy-fun-time she had.  What a relief.  I know there are new, fancy methods these days, but I had to whip out the blue-bulb-nose-sucker-thingy once or twice and, man, that was NOT fun for either of us.

I got the camera out for awhile today, mostly to get my mind off of my sore throat, but managed to get pictures of:

-the Radio Flyer scooter that our neighbors gifted us!-
-the piles (and piles) of stuff from the great purge that we still need to haul away-
-the fact that I STILL HAVE TO UNPACK-
 -the investigation of said Radio Flyer-
-the end of the day covered in snot and clementines-
-yes I'm cooking a frozen pizza...not pictured: farm fresh kale, spinach, arugula and parsley salad with apples and walnuts-

Happy Spring!  Here's to wellness and weddings!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


the great purge 2013 is almost complete!!  we spent monday at ikea, one of my guilty pleasure stores, getting some storage furniture for lu's toys and a new computer desk with loads of storage for all of the books we decided to keep.  i still can't believe how much i was able to part with!  i know it probably still looks pretty cluttered to all y'all, but when you're trying to cram a toddler, her mama and dada plus a cranky old rabbit (and the occasional foster dog) into a small one bedroom - you do the best you can!

exciting things are happening over here and we are all so glad that spring has finally sprung (two 50 degree days in a row, what?!?).  tomorrow is the first practice of this year's broadway show (softball) league for andrew, so we'll be spending the morning in the park with friends and then heading to a local animal shelter to meet a big mush of a dog - just meeting him, unfortunately! - and to drop off some donations.

hope everyone's spring is going swimmingly!  be back soon for a major update on lu and life!