Wednesday, May 30, 2012


We're in Nebraska!  Lu and I have been here since Sunday and will be joined by Andrew tomorrow.  Being home makes me so happy.  And Lu has been soaking up all the rays of love from the Nebraska sun, her "big brother" Apollo and, of course, her nana and (grandpa - we can't decide on what the Beetle should call my dad).  Here are just a few shots of our time so far...many more to come!

Monday, May 7, 2012

mommy appreciation day!

A few weeks ago, Andrew surprised me with a trip to a shopping outlet and a night away from NYC.  What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man ;)
We shopped all day (well, I got a bit tired of shopping after about 2 hours), ordered in from Applebees (I know) and took Lua swimming at the hotel.  
It was so nice to get away from the city for even a night and do something as a family.  There's something so fun about staying in a hotel.  The continental breakfast, free shampoo...

Lua must have liked it too, because she slept better than she has in a looong time :)

extreme baby yoga.

have you seen this clip?  be forewarned - it's just a tad extreme.

I'm really not sure how I feel about it.  I've read so many books and studied so many contradictory methods that I'm about ready to throw in the towel and go with my gut.  I just finished the book "Bringing Up Bebe" and I'm more confused about the French and child-rearing than ever.  I should say, though, that I am a total glutton for anything about babies, birth, breastfeeding, labor, etc., so I totally do it to myself :)

So first, a video:  My version of extreme baby yoga :)

And then, for all my mamas out there:  What should I read next? And baby books that are must reads? Podcasts? Videos?
