Welcome to mama to mama monday! This week we're talking about bathtime. If you haven't already, check out part one here.
I was really looking forward to these responses, because bathtime is starting to be a bit of a challenge for us. After the sink got too small for Lua to lie down in, we switched to taking baths with her in the tub. Now, before she was mobile, this worked just fine. We'd lay her on our lap and wash away. Now though, she can't sit up by herself yet but is much more curious about the water, soap, toys, etc. like a greasy piglet - wriggling and squirming! What to do, what to do...
Thank you to all the mamas who responded! Enjoy!
Sara, mom to Nathan (3 1/2 yrs) and Oliver (9 months)
I bathe my boys twice a week unless they get really dirty.
Nathan is fun- it’s a good time where we can just spend time together-
just us, and its fun to make educational games, like today we were adding using
his bath squirt toys. Oliver is bathed in the kitchen sink. It’s much
easier since he’s too big for his infant bath but seems to get swallowed
up in the regular bath. He loves to splash so its helpful to have extra towels.
After each bath I slather them in thick lotion- especially
in winter. Keeps dry skin/eczema at bay.
Kerrie, mom to Aspen (7 weeks)
I passed bath time off to daddy....and he usually does it every other
night or two before bed. But i know we would like suggestions as we/he are
still putting her on top of the "netting" part of baby tub...nothing
else seems comfortable and its hard to support her head other ways.
One thing that does work well is placing baby tub on top of running
washer or dryer....soothing vibrations and a little extra heat.
Faith, mother to Lucy (3yrs.) and Milo (11 months )
We bathe our munchkins every other day unless they get super dirty for some reason. It helps keep their skin from getting too dry in winter.
For toys, we have ocean creature squirters and Thomas Trains. Lucy loves to give her bath toys a 'bath' with her washcloth after I'm done washing her. Milo just likes to lay on his tummy in the water and try to crawl. He chews on the bath toys:)
Miriam, mom to Azalia (4yrs.) and Lucia (16months)
Faith, mother to Lucy (3yrs.) and Milo (11 months )
We bathe our munchkins every other day unless they get super dirty for some reason. It helps keep their skin from getting too dry in winter.
For toys, we have ocean creature squirters and Thomas Trains. Lucy loves to give her bath toys a 'bath' with her washcloth after I'm done washing her. Milo just likes to lay on his tummy in the water and try to crawl. He chews on the bath toys:)
Miriam, mom to Azalia (4yrs.) and Lucia (16months)
Thanks so much for including me in your "mama to mama" post! I can't wait to see what other Mamas have to say.
When Lucia was just an
infant my husband and I would take turns bathing with her. We found it
to be a wonderful way to bond and she wouldn't really have it any other
way! Now that she is older, both of my girls bathe together. Recently
it has become a nightly thing, as part of their bedtime routines. They
both play fairly well together. I try to have enough toys in the tub
for both of them. I also try to have two of the same type of toys. For
example, we have two plastic cups that have holes in the bottoms so
water leaks out. That way they both get to have one.
We go back and forth using California Baby body
wash/shampoo and Method Baby. I just squirt a little bit into the tub
while the water is running. Then I let them play and don't worry about
washing them down, unless they are particularly dirty. I don't wash
their hair with shampoo every single time either, just get it wet. I
find this is sufficient, especially since there is a little soap in the
water already. For the most part, bath time is a playful and relaxing
time for them, to them transition to bed time.
My biggest recommendation is to engage with your
children while they are in the tub! Obviously if you have an infant
this is required, but as your children get older it's tempting to sit
and tune out while they splash away. While sometimes you need this
time, if possible play with them. I find my girls are much better
behaved in the tub when I play with them, as opposed to sitting and
reading a book while they are bathing.
Hope this helps!